
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Adobe Launches CS3 Creative Suite 3 for Intel Based Macs! WhooHoo!

Adobe Creative Suite CS3
Creative Suite 3 Design Premium. Deliver innovative ideas in print, web, and mobile design! Order Now!

A lot of Mac users and a lot of Windows users who have been waiting to switch over to Mac on the new Intel based ProMacs have been waiting for Adobe to launch CS3. The good news is it's finally out!

I am currently a CS3 Photoshop Beta user, and I can say that this is one of the best upgrades ever! In CS3 you have fully integrated RAW 32 bit image support and support for other 32bit formats like HDR, Open EXR and more! It has an improved heal brush which is fantastic and many other great new features and enhancements.

I strongly advice upgrading!

For web developers, the Dreamweaver upgrade is also a must have.

Dreamweaver Creative Suite 3. Design, develop, and maintain standard-based websites. Order Now!


Cameron Beck said...

What makes Dreamweaver such an important upgrade?

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